Write a Resignation Letter for Unsatisfactory Working Conditions

Man with box of desk items resigning from a job due to the working conditions.

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When conditions at a company hinder job performance, you might decide to find a new job. Bring the working relationship to a close with a resignation letter that is professional, despite the circumstances of your workplace. The following sample includes details on why the employee finds conditions unsatisfactory. While it makes sense to elaborate on the problems to a certain extent, your resignation letter should not turn into a rant.

Resignation Letter for Unsatisfactory Working Condition Example

Elements of this resignation letter include:

  • The date of writing
  • The name of your supervisor or manager
  • A few highlights of your time with the company
  • Your reason for leaving (unsatisfactory conditions)
  • A brief description of the issue(s)
  • Your last day of work

Sample Letter

Today’s Date
Manager Name
Company Name
Company Address

Dear Mr./Ms. Manager:

It is with reluctance that I submit this letter. Although my time with (company name) has been, on the whole, satisfying and productive, for quite a while now I have become less and less satisfied with the work situation. The direction of the company, the group in which I work, and the new targets and the methods of accomplishing them have made it increasingly difficult to feel I’m contributing enough.

Therefore, it is with regret that I ask you to accept this letter of resignation from (company name) effective (last day of work).


(Sign Here)
Your Name
cc: (people to be copied on the letter - HR Manager, Director, etc.)

Why You Should Give a Reason for Your Resignation

Including a reason for your resignation can alert bosses to conditions affecting staff morale. In large companies, especially, it’s easy for managers to lose touch with employees. When you tell them about serious weaknesses, they may be surprised at how bad the situation is. Hopefully, they’ll take action and fix the problem. And even if you don’t want to work there anymore, the environment can improve for others.

When the Relationship Is Beyond Repair

You won’t always be able to salvage a relationship with the company. This usually happens when bosses know you’re unhappy but do nothing to improve conditions.

Other reasons might be:

  • The company forces you to do tasks you’re uncomfortable performing
  • Conditions at work threaten your well-being
  • They demand unreasonable job performance

Workers often feel upset, or even angry, because of the experience.


If you simply want to move on, perhaps a more appropriate letter should be brief and to the point. It only advises the company you are resigning and the effective date.

Below is a sample of a brief resignation letter.

Brief Resignation Letter

Today’s Date
Manager’s Name
Company Name
Company Address

Dear Mr./Ms. Manager:

I hereby tender my resignation from (company name), effective (last day of employment).


(Sign Here)
Your Name
cc: (people to be copied on the letter - HR Manager, Director, etc.)

Why You Shouldn’t Bad-Mouth the Company

While it’s easy to lose control and deride the company for their shortcomings, keep your emotions in check. This works in your favor because:

  • You don’t want an aggressive letter to ruin your reputation.
  • If you’re overly critical of the company, it might come back to haunt you. (Think about references and your boss’s connections to other influencers in the industry.)
  • When you leave on neutral ground, you have the opportunity to secure new connections before you go. You can also save existing relationships that may prove beneficial.
  • You’re leaving soon (many companies stipulate a two-week notice period in contracts), so don’t make the situation worse than it already is.

If your letter forces a turnaround at the office, you may even find yourself back at your old desk. That’s only possible if your letter is amicable.

Next Steps

When a hiring manager asks why you left your previous job, don’t smear your old bosses. You can mention the challenges you faced. However, focus on how you maintained a professional attitude right up to your resignation and departure.


Use the experience as a positive when you move to your next position. You can appreciate the improved work environment, which means the motivation to perform better.

And you’ll be more aware of the warning signs if conditions at the company start to decline.

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